Keerthi Vasudevan, San Fransisco
Best Wishes
Beneficiary is a 16 year old girl studying 12th standard Tamil medium (science group) in a govt. aided school, Thuckalay, Kanyakumari district.
She lives with her parents and her father is a daily wages with monthly income less than Rs.3000. Her father is a sick person, so their monthly income is not consistent.
She is an average student in studies and wanted to go to college after school. This student was referred to us by one of her teacher and looking for help with her school fee and books.
Amount DetailsRaised - 2425.00
Remaining - 0
Keerthi Vasudevan, San Fransisco
Best Wishes
C.K Praveen Thomas, Chennai
Good Luck
A non-profit organization devoted to building a crowdfunding platform to help students in need of Education.